Friday, November 03, 2006

...its been a while. (again)...

I'm sticking with it. I know these updates have been few and far between - i think we're down to monthly updates now (if you're lucky) - but I still like the concept and if I do move to Ibiza in January i'll have a lot more time on my hands to let you know how warm it is where I am ;-) Truth is, i've been busier at work and my home laptop has been 'closed for repairs' for too long. As a result, updating and developing this blog has been difficult.

Anyway, I picked up my laptop from the 'repairers and original vendors' yesterday and so far so good! It used to blue-screen within about ten minutes - barely enough time for the Gaydar logon page to load ;-) but last night I had it running all night without a hitch! Please pray for me that it stays that way as my mental heatlh cannot cope with more problems!

I only told them about the blue-screen issue, but miraculously, the faulty modem and battery have fixed themselves too! (I may have Sony to thank for the latter issue as the battery may have been replaced by stealth!) Anyhoo, it may actually be that the vendors concerned are living up to their alleged 'top customer service providers' accolade!

Provided I do have a stable laptop, I may be able to take 'Simon & the City' to the next level!

My fellow blogger Chig has mentioned the world record attempt in Cardiff tonight to get as many Jones' in one place! Unfortunately I am not there having only learnt of it today but i'm hoping my aunt, cousin and any other distant family will be there doing their bit! - Mind you, 'distant family' isn't that all Jones' ??? ;-)

Chig also mentioned a clever way of boosting hits to your blog so here goes -

Shane Ward. Kylie Minogue. Madonna, Baby David, Malawi. Global Warming. ASBO's.

There, that should boost the site stats a bit. May get a few offers of dates from like minded males to!

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