Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day vote or not to vote??

Its local election day today...a chance to 'possibly' change who runs this fair only a third of the seats are ever up for grabs, a change of political colour in the council house is usually a gradual thing. We've had a Tory/Lib Dem coalition in charge after years of Labour dominance and I have to say they're doing a pretty piss poor job. So when it came to voting today it should have been easy, however, things are rarely that simple. The incumbent Conservative Councillor has visited my home, left a leaflet and has his name on every lamp post. This guy actually seems to want my vote! He cares! - But by voting for him, i'll be supporting the current administration which I don't want to do... The Labour hopeful has done nothing... no visit, no leaflet, no posters...i only found out his name this morning when looking at the ballot paper!!! - Clearly this guy doesn't care whether you vote for him or not, so why should I? - Because Labour are the only party capable of removing the current administration... Arrrrgggg! Lib Dem? Again the candidate has done nothing and a vote for him is again a vote for the current crowd, so that's a 'no brainer'. The only other options are BNP or Green...Hmmm Fascists or Communists? - Again a 'no brainer'. I could just not vote, but I try not to do that. Turnout for local elections is always low and low turnout allows extremist parties to get a foothold - back to the Fascists and Communists again... So guess what? The Labour man got my vote....and I hope he's bloody grateful too. Infact if he's reading this, leave a comment and I'll meet you down the local. There you can say 'thank you' with a big box of Cadbury's Milk Tray (I always believe in supporting local industries! - Don't get me started on Rover) Apologies to the Tory guy - I really appreciate your efforts but the bigger picture here is the future of my city.


Chig said...

Communists?! Ha ha!. If only...

Simon Jones said...

I'm all for green issues - wipe out humanity, that'd sort it! ...Just find the Green's lean a bit too much to the left for my liking...