Friday, May 19, 2006

what's on my mind...

Big Brother 7, Doctor Who battling with the Cybermen and Eurovision in one week! Can I cope? Well, yes actually, but blimey what a week! Much fun was had last night hurling incredibly cutting remarks at the Big Brother housemates as they were revealed one by one! Its amazing how we continue to fall for these formulaic shows - I mean, in reality (pardon the pun!) this year will be exactly the same as last year and the year before etc... all thats changed is the names, the wallpaper and diary room chair! But we loved last year and the year before etc, so were bound to love it again this year!!!

I'm hoping the conclusion to Doctor Who is better than part one which was sleep inducing!!!

Then its Eurovision! Such a scream! But I have to say, i do take it a bit seriously too - many countries see it as a bit of fun and their act's often reflect that, but some of them take it very seriously and as a result there are always a handful of good pop songs performed by talented people. I like to think I have a bit of respect for it therefore and trying to spot the talent amongst the panto is all part of the enjoyment!


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.